Tuesday, February 14, 2012

hope and love.

When I woke up this morning I forgot it was Valentines Day until I got to school. That's how it normally happens. It's just like any other day, right? It is if you don't have a significant other.

I tend to not care, and I'm rarely ever bothered on Valentines Day that I don't have someone to share the day with. The same was true with today. At least it was true until after lunch time.

I got into this slump and I was just annoyed by the day. I was so annoyed, in fact, that I packed all of my stuff up and left the college earlier than I had planned. I usually end up staying on Tuesday's and Thursday until later in the afternoon doing homework. Not today, apparently. When I left, I decided that I just needed a break. I've been working really hard the past couple of weeks, and I needed to turn my brain off for an afternoon.

So I came home and no one was here. Since no one was home I decided to do a little bit of straightening up. You know, the things that my mom expects me to have done that normally wait until the minute before I go to bed? Yeah, those. I found that I was enjoying myself. It was great to lay myself, and my wants aside to do something nice for my mom who works so hard everyday around here for us.

I may not have a significant other, but I have other people around me who pour into my life each day, and I the same. Every Valentines Day I find myself looking around at the people who I'm surrounded by and just find myself feeling so grateful for them and their love for me.

Not only that, but it's comforting to know that I have the perfect example of what love should look like. The man who laid down His life for His friends. The One who already has the day, hour, minute and second planned for when I meet my future spouse. I'm hopeful and filled with love on this Valentines Day. I pray the same for each of you!


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