Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Ash Wednesday..the beginning of 40 days of fasting. The beginning of sacrificing something to offer up to God. Or at least that's what I'm gathering.

I've never taken part in lent before. I normally find out that we're half-way through the lenten season and think of something I would give up, but never put my thought  into action. I decided this year that I wanted to do something about it, though. 

So, what am I giving up for six weeks? Purchases from restaurants. That includes drinks, too. Why? I don't have a job right now, and shouldn't be spending that extra money when I have food and water at home. I find that I take advantage of what is already at my fingertips entirely too often. I need to change that. So, packed lunches and water bottles it is!

I actually don't know much about lent, and don't have many resources. I know some of my friends out there have observed lent on a number of occasions. If you have any resources to help me, along with some good bible verses to guide me, please leave them in the comments. 

I'm excited to let you all know how this experience changes me. Until then... :-)


  1. Jeff just posted this video on Facebook:

    And this post was very helpful to me when I was first learning about Lent:

    I wrote a Lent post too tonight! But it's a little scattered... the one from last year is more coherent: (*shamelesspromotion*)

    I'm so glad you're doing this. Be prepared for Easter to not sneak up on you this year. I've been practicing for 3 or 4 years now I think? It may seem like a small thing, but it has added so much depth and meaning to the way I see the Easter season... if only I could remember to find an Ash Wednesday service to attend.

    1. Thank you so much for your links. I'm so appreciative that you would take a little bit of time to educate me.

      I keep wondering if what I've given up is way too much. Or too far out of reach to achieve. Giving up eating or buying drinks from ALL restaurants? My mom has asked me if that's what I really want to do on a number of occasions, and I'm more sure now than I was yesterday about it. Every time I order that sandwich or coffee, I always worry what it's doing to my bank account. I know that this will cause me to lean on God in my times of weakness. It will cause me to become more aware, and that is why I'm doing it.

      I don't really know why I wrote that, if not just for a reminder to myself.


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