Friday, June 8, 2012


Is anyone out there?

It's been a while. Like, three months a while. Will you forgive me?

Life has been busy and exciting, and blogging fell onto the back burner. I'm excited to be back again, and to get you caught up on the things that have been going on. So..let's get down to business.
01. Made it through my fourth semester of college. Fourth (Finished with two A's and 2 C's)!
02. Had a birthday. Hello, 22!
03. A couple road trips were taken.
04. Beach trips have happened. 
05. Time has been spent with family. 
06. Summer classes are underway (Done with my first one next Thursday).
07. A concert is being planned.
08. I'm a nanny now!
09. Let's toss some house sitting into the picture.
10. Ice cream has been consumed. 
11. Camp has been missed.
12. Letters are waiting to be written. 
13. Today was the last day of public school. No more early wake-ups!
14. It is hot and humid. Summer has arrived. 
15. A visit from my brother. Yay!

There you have it. I tiny glimpse into life over the past three or so months.

I'm so excited to be back here and to be writing and sharing with you all again. My heart feels lighter already.

Lots of love and thankfulness, 


  1. Yay, #1! Woohoo, #7! Goodness, I need to start blogging again, too! I have the hardest time making myself do it, even though I have all these ideas... maybe we'll motivate eachother ;-)

  2. Yay yay! Your blog lives! Missed it. =)


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